Party like its 1999 with these retro tween fashion accessories!

The best “tweenagers” fashion back in the late 1990s were found in the pages of teen mags like Tiger Beat or Seventeen magazine, movies like “She’s All That” and clothing catalogues like Alloy and Delias. These popular tween trends are often looked back on with nostalgia, but like every other trend, many of these are making a comeback! Here’s a look back at some retro tween fashion accessories which could make a splash today!

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Plastic Chokers

These have been a huge trend, but the ones I saw when I was in high school in the late 90’s were even bigger. These were just like any other trendy, fashion-forward jewelry, except with the twist of having to wear them inside of an elastic band. I liked the BFF bracelets best, though I remember seeing some cute toe rings.

Lip Smackers

I still remember when I was in elementary school, the only lipstick I liked were Bonne Bell lip glosses. They were so popular, I’d carry them with me everywhere. While I didn’t have a clue what a lip liner was, a lipstick, or how to apply it, I did know that Bonne Bell Lip Smackers were the best.

Glitter gel for eyes, hair and face

The millennia hysteria was in full gear, and all young girls were anticipating what wondrous things the new millennium will bring. Glitter was a must for the “futuristic” look. But the glitter we wore then is different from what young girls and tween girls wear now. The glitter that you have in your possession is safe, but the glitter we wore in the past was kinda harmful to our skin and eyes. It would dry out your hair and create gobs of goop on your face.

Butterfly Hair Clips

The hair clip you can still find today is the butterfly hair clip. It came in all different colors, and although it may be a little tacky now, it is still an excellent hair accessory. Plus, if you ever do want to try and pull off that same cute look of a child, you know exactly where to look.

Glow-in-the-Dark Nail Polish

I can’t remember the brand of nail polish I first wore as a kid, but my friend had a collection of cool-looking nail polish that she was always wearing. One of the coolest was a glow-in-the-dark one. When I saw it, I immediately wanted it, too, and I remember turning off the lights and imagining I had secret wizard powers with my cool fingertips. 

Which of these trends bring back fond memories?

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